Assessment & Evaluation
Maureen Foreman
Curriculum and Assessment Coordinator
Charting Educational Progress
Roseville Area Schools continually assesses student performance to provide parents and staff with the data needed to make informed instructional and educational decisions. Coordinating state and district-wide testing, the Office of Assessment and Evaluation analyzes the test results and provides information to various groups. We also help teachers and administrators use assessment data.
District Assessment Plan
It takes more than a yardstick to track your child's growth. You probably use many different kinds of measures—a bathroom scale, birthday pictures, and increasing clothing sizes.
Roseville Area Schools also uses different measures to chart your child's and our district's educational progress. Several assessments are given district-wide. However, these types of measures do not paint the entire picture. Every day, teachers observe and use classroom evaluations that also help us more fully understand your child's academic strengths and weaknesses.
The range of assessments also helps the district decide which program areas need improving. We couple assessment information with the professional advice of district staff and the input of the Roseville area community before making key decisions. Talk to your student’s teacher or counselor if you have questions or concerns about testing.