What is AVID?
AVID is a global non-profit organization that works with schools and districts to provide direct support for students in grades K-16 who have the potential of becoming first-generation college students. In Roseville Area Schools, AVID supports students in grades 7-12 with a school-wide curriculum and rigorous expectations.
AVID's mission is to close the opportunity gap by preparing all students for college and career readiness and success in a global society.
AVID stands for Advancement Via Individual Determination. This system supports not only students, but teachers, administrators, and families.
Teacher Effectiveness
The AVID Effect is realized through the delivery of inquiry-based and student-centric instruction, which increases levels of effectiveness.
AVID is closing the opportunity gap in college graduation rates among diverse and underrepresented demographic groups. AVID has created classrooms where student voice, culture and perspective is embedded into existing curriculum. AVID is effective in that it teaches, supports and practices ways in which ALL students can see themselves successful in what ever they choose to do later in life.
AVID leaders shift the campus culture to drive change and spread best practices. Leadership is developed and seen in students, teachers and families.
Student Learning
With AVID, teachers inspire students to take control over their own learning.
The WICOR (Writing, Inquiry, Collaboration, and Reading) instructional framework has changed the path for many students in that they become independent learners, thinkers, writers, and self advocates.