Organizations and/or any member of the public can request information about students attending Roseville Area Schools. “Directory information,” as it is known, is defined by Roseville Area Schools as the student’s name, parent/guardian name, grade, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, dates of enrollment, degrees and awards received, the most recent educational institution attended by the student, and pictures for district-approved publications, district-approved webpages, district-approved social media, local media, and local cablecasts.
The district’s policy complies with state and federal laws, which require us to release this information upon request. However, you have the right to deny the release of directory information, except to school officials or as provided under federal law. Please know that if you choose to keep directory information private, names will not be available for any purpose. In such cases, for example, students would not be listed in school programs, yearbooks, publicized honor roll lists, and classroom directories because these documents are considered public domain. Please note the “Opt Out Exemption for Yearbook” on the form.
Directory Information Opt Outs
To make directory information private, parents, legal guardians, or students of legal age should print out the form (available below), complete it, and either mail it to Roseville Area Schools' Student Data Team (1251 County Road B2 West, Roseville, MN 55113), email it to, or drop it off at the student’s school office by October 1, 2024. Please complete a form for each student. The request will remain in effect for the 2024-2025 school year or unless modified or rescinded via the Directory Rescind form available through Student Data
If you have any questions, please call the Student Data Team at 651-628-6449.