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Health Services

Alaina Bohl, RN, PHN, LSN
Lead Nurse
Office: 651-724-6541
Cell: 651-967-2060

Each school in Roseville Area Schools has a school nurse and a health assistant. They are committed to student health and safety through a comprehensive school health program. 

Managing the health office, the school nurse:

  • Schedules vision, hearing, and scoliosis screening according to state/district guidelines.
  • Maintains health records, including immunization records, according to state law.
  • Works with school staff to understand and meet individual student health needs.
  • Is a liaison between home, school, and healthcare needs related to student health and educational plans (IHP, 504, IEP).
  • Provides referral information about community health-related resources as needed.

Supervised by the school nurse, the assistant:

  • Performs routine first aid and administers daily medication as prescribed by a healthcare provider.
  • Calls parents when a student becomes ill or is injured during the school day.
  • Consults with the school nurse when there is an emergency, a physical assessment of an illness or an injury is needed, or a non-routine health concern arises during the school day.

Updating Your Student's Health & Emergency Information

Parents/guardians can update information through the Synergy Parentvue portal using these directions. If a parent/guardian has not yet activated their Synergy account, they can request an activation code here.


Is My Child Well Enough to Go to School?

Student Medication




Head Injury/Concussion

Head Lice



Seizure Disorder/ Epilepsy

Severe & Life-Threatening Allergy

Sports Physicals

Vision & Hearing Screening

Health Resources & Forms