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Summer EBT

To apply or find out what's available for Summer EBT benefits:

  • CLICK HERE to apply online
  • Call 651-635-1600
  • Get a paper application via the website or email
  • Mail a paper application to: Roseville Area Schools, 1251 County Road B2 West, Roseville, MN 55113
  • Fax a paper application to 651-635-1600
  • Apply in person at Roseville Area Schools (1251 County Road B2 West in Roseville) or the main office at your child's school

Summer EBT (Electronic Benefits Transfer) is a new program to help families buy food for their school-age children during the summer. Families will get $120 for each eligible child to buy groceries during the summer. Children who get Summer EBT can still participate in other summer meal programs. Receiving Summer EBT will not affect children or families’ immigration status.

How does Summer EBT work in Roseville Area Schools?

Summer EBT will be loaded onto an EBT card and mailed to your home. If eligible, you can use Summer EBT benefits to buy food like fruits, vegetables, meat, whole grains, and dairy at grocery stores, farmers markets, and other places that accept EBT benefits. Summer EBT is a convenient way for you to help your children thrive.

Is My Child Eligible for Summer EBT?

Your child is eligible for Summer EBT if:

  • Your household already participates in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP), Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR), Medicaid, foster care status, migrant identification, or  criteria being met for the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act or participation in a program under the Runaway and Homeless Youth Act (RHYA) and have received a letter from the district of your Direct Certification status

  • Your child attends a school that offers the National School Lunch or School Breakfast Program, and your household income meets the requirements for free or reduced-price educational benefits

How do I enroll my child in Summer EBT?

Many families will get Summer EBT automatically if they are getting other benefits, but some families may need to apply for the program. If your household already participates in Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP), Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR), Medicaid or has foster care status, migrant identification, or criteria being met for the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act or participation in a program under the Runaway and Homeless Youth Act (RHYA) and have received a letter from the district of your Direct Certification status your child will be automatically enrolled in the Summer EBT program. You do not need to fill out an application. You will get a card in the mail. Watch for the card in the mail. If you have recently moved, please update the district office with your new address.

If you are not automatically enrolled and believe your student(s) are eligible, you can get Summer EBT by registering your household and filling out an application here. To check if you already filled out an Application for Educational Benefits (same application used for Summer EBT) contact with your student(s)’s name and date of birth to request a status verification. When applying, you will be asked to provide your child’s name, school, date of birth, address, and household’s income. You will not need to provide any other documents or information including proof of citizenship or pay stubs to apply.